In Marxist model, growth rate is dependent upon organic component of capital ( OCOC), surplus value rate ( SVR) and accumulation rate ( AR). 在马克思的经济增长模型中,社会生产总值的增长率由资本有机构成、剩余价值率和积累率决定。
Capital structure is the rate of long term liabilities and sovereignty capital. Different capital structure has a big effect to firm finance adventure, surplus of every stock, firm value. 资本结构是指长期负债额与主权资本的比例,不同的资本结构,对企业承担的财务风险、每股盈余、企业价值均会产生重大影响。
Markup, technology composition and wage rate of every industry determines the redistribution of aggregate surplus value among the industries. 各行业的价格加成率、技术构成和工资率决定了剩余价值总额在行业间的再分配,进而决定了行业工资份额。